Once upon a time Hattie Rankin heard of the need for education and caring relationships in West Dallas, a neighborhood once called the Devil's Doorstep. She reached out in genuine care and compassion. She started classes, small group gatherings, and worship during a time when the Bonnie & Clyde Gang ruled the area. She knew children and families deserved more than crime and academic failure.
At Wesley-Rankin, they like to say, "It's all about the WE!" The WE in WEsley-Rankin, that is! Together they invite people like you to be apart of the WE... Transforming lives through education and caring relationships. Wesley Rankin believes in community; they believe in education; they believe true and lasting transformation happens through measurable impact. Their commitment is to walk with a community in this transformation, listening, learning and growing together.
This is why Wesley Rankin is the current organization that Union is supporting. Through March 1, 2017 Union will be donating 10% of all coffee sales to Wesley Rankin.